Saturday, February 2, 2008

A look at my internet use

The internet is mostly a tool for communication for me. I send and receive emails mostly from close friends and family, with the occasional communication to or from a professor. Sometimes I will have quick chats online with my husband, usually while I am at work. I enjoy reading the news online; I check the BBC website three or four times a day, reveling at the balanced and outside-of-America point of view they present, and enjoying the pictures-of-the-day. In a typical week, all other internet use is directly related to work or school. The internet makes my day-to day communication a little quicker, a little easier, and a lot more convenient, on the whole, but the tasks I use it for are limited by my lack of free time.


Pato Aravena said...

Creo que Elizabeth ha mejorado muchisimo sus conocimientos Tecnologia. Algun dia usara Ubuntu :)
Lindo blog!!!!!!

Ashley said...

Hola amor!

Soooo ... i agree, the internet doesn't really take up a WHOLE lot of my time ... however, my use of facebook seems like maybe I spend a little more time on the internet than you haha.

Like I commented on Moniqua's blog from UF, it seems like you use your internet for more practical purposes than me haha ... altho you did say you email friends and family and stuff :-D

Hasta luego!

p.s. - is that 1st comment Pato? haha

Dr. L said...

Hi Elizabeth, I think this is a good analysis -- but a little bit brief! I'm not grading this first post but simply providing some comments / feedback so that you have an idea as to what I'm looking for in the future. The big thing I find missing is a specific breakdown of your days and activities. Both that and the analysis would make (together) a complete / comprehensive assignment!