Saturday, April 12, 2008

Mini-Project 3

Here is a link to the explanation of my video project, also known as Mini Project 3.
This video is intended to be used in a Spanish class, level 2 in high school. I think that this would be a fun way to have students review the "question words" -- who, what, when, where, and why/how. The video is pretty short, and it presents a mystery. The students will take the role of detectives in the story, and will be responsible for solving the mystery. (A hint and a solution are also recorded, so that students will have a little bit of help solving the mystery, if they need it, and also so that they can check their answers!) There are two worksheets that accompany the video, which can be found under the same link to the project. The worksheets are intended to be completed in pairs, so that students can practice speaking in the target language, in a communicative, task based assignment, and together can solve any lingering questions about the evidence and solutions presented in the video.

This is an activity that I would like to try in my classroom, and if it goes well, I would consider creating a series of mysteries for substitute teachers to use on days when I am absent. I think it could be a great "substitute" activity because the target language is used in the video, on the worksheets, and hopefully by the students as they interact with each other.

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